Tonight I was listening to some youtube videos while working on a project for my church...just a little background music as I think and pray and plan. One of the videos I stumbled upon was a song called "Redemption" by Kristene Mueller. In a well-timed pause in my thinking and typing, I heard the words " much better than perfection..." Mmmm...did you ever hear words that just hit you square in the chest and sunk straight to your bones?
I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgement. ~ Exodus 6:6
I know that my Redeemer lives and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. ~ Job 19:25
Rise up and help us; redeem us because of your unfailing love. ~ Psalm 44:26
No man can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for him - But God will redeem my life from the grave; he will surely take me unto himself. ~Psalm 49:7 & 15
But now this is what the Lord says - he who created you, he who formed you - 'Fear not; I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.' ~Isaiah 43:1
When I think about the issue of human trafficking, I get weighed down. I sometimes can literally feel the weight of it in my body. There is so much darkness surrounding this issue. Such deep suffering and outrageous injustice. When I dream about the future of Ashraya Mission, and imagine the girls who will come to our home, I am struck by the grim reality that these girls will be coming from dark places that I cannot comprehend. The gravity of that truth cannot be minimized. But if I believed that was the whole story, I wouldn't be here - we wouldn't be doing this. There is hope. I actually believe that. I believe there is hope of restoration, renewal, and redemption for these girls. I know that my Redeemer lives. I know it.
"The darker the night, the brighter the day. The fiercer the fight, the stronger the faith. So I place my hope in You." ~ Kristene Mueller (Redemption)
Friday, October 29, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Would you like a postcard from far away? Message us a mailing address and we'll send you an international ''hello'' while we're in India in December!
P.S. The Beatles' "Across The Universe" is fantastic Sunday morning music today.
P.S. The Beatles' "Across The Universe" is fantastic Sunday morning music today.
Monday, October 18, 2010
The word visionaries seems to stir up very distinct profiles in our minds. I, like so many others in my generation, use this term to describe legends from the arts community. The Beatles were visionaries. Jackson Pollock was a visionary. Van Gogh, The Coen Brothers, Hemingway, etc. People living unconventional, bohemian lifestyles.We very rarely use that term in association with those working 9-5.
I would like to use that word out of said context to describe my friend Lindsay and her fiance Stefan.
Lindsay works a Monday to Friday job-she's not part of the thriving musical pod in Nashville. She's one of those steady, always reliable kind of people-someone you're really glad to have in your corner. And she's getting married in 12 days to her counterpart.
Here's why I'm choosing to call Lindsay a visionary: she and her fiance are choosing to list Ashraya Mission as one of their registry options. We're up there with REI and Bed, Bath and Beyond. We nudged out Home Depot to make the list. Take that, Orange Aprons.
As of right now, we don't have a home. We don't leave for India for another 52 days. The children have not been rehabbed yet. Technically, there is no product as of right now.
And yet, Lindsay and Stefan have enough vision to see what Ashraya Mission can be. They see enough to sacrifice wedding gifts to encourage our dream. I love that our dream isn't contained to India any more. It's being spread. With their unique idea to list us as their registry, the hope of these children reaches to a wedding in Nashville.
I feel absolutely humbled and blessed beyond words to have their support and to choose to use their special day to bless us.
P.S. Mason Jenning's "Be Here Now" goes perfectly with this blogging...
Monday, October 11, 2010
In 57 days Travis, Kati H, our fantastic photographer and I will be heading to Delhi to start this life long journey of Ashraya Mission. While in Delhi, we'll be spending time at Asha Mission Children's Society and their beautiful children.
Here are 57 ways you can be involved with this trip:
57. Read more about India. Suggested reading: Kim by Rudyard Kipling
56. Read about mission efforts in India. Suggested reading: A Chance to Die by Amy Carmichael and No Greater Love by Mother Teresa
55. Learn more about children living in the brothels. Suggested movie: "Born Into Brothels".
54. Eat some authentic Indian cuisine
53. "Like" our facebook page here:
52. Donate to Asha Mission Children's Society here:
51. Tell someone about Ashraya Mission and why it's important to you
50. Follow us on Twitter: @ashrayamission
49. Numbers 48 to 3 are suggestions for items that would be gladly accepted for the children for their Christmas:
48. Story books
47. Animal Crackers
46. Washable paint and brushes
45. Crayons
44. Protein bars (to help children gain weight)
43. Children's Tylenol
42. Lice shampoo
41. CDs of worship music (children love to sing!)
40. Any kind of crafts, etc.
39. Bandaids
38. Soap
37. Chapstick
36. Small stuffed animals
35. Erasers
34. Pencils
33. Balloons
32. Small bouncy balls
31. Underwear (children age 2 to 16, so all sizes are welcome!)
30. Socks (children age 2 to 16, so all sizes are welcome!)
29. Age appropriate nail polish/lip gloss for the girls
28. Bubbles
27. Camera film (the children were left 35mm cameras and they love taking pictures)
26. Stickers, stickers, stickers
25. Blank paper to draw on
24. Small photo albums
23. Legos
22. Small 'matchbox' cars
21. Chalk
20. Puzzles
19. Coloring books
18. Markers
17. Colored pencils
16. Pillow cases with cartoon characters on them
15. Play-doh
14. Glow in the dark stars that stick to the wall
13. Jump Ropes
12. Gatorade packets
11. Kool-Aid packets
10. Dum-Dum Suckers
9. Jolly Ranchers
8. Gummy bears
7. Twizzlers
6. Bubble gum
5. Starbursts (really any non-melting candy)
4. Children's vitamins
3. Make a financial donation to Ashraya Mission
2. Come with us. Seriously, the more the merrier.
We're so excited to be going and can't believe it's right around the corner. Any help you can offer will be much appreciated.
P.S. Today is a good day to listen to Josh Ritter...
Monday, October 4, 2010
Desiring God Conference
I had the privilege of spending this past weekend in the beautiful Twin Cities for John Piper's Desiring God conference. This was my first time to Minneapolis and I must say that it is one of the best kept secrets of the United States. Everyone talks about New York City or Chicago or New Orleans or LA. Take a weekend and head to Minneapolis and St. Paul. Go hear Garrison Keillor. Walk along the river and you'll hear Target Field go nuts for the Twins. Talk to the locals-some of the most wholesome, sweet people you can meet. Minneapolis: you won't regret it. Not the most marketable slogan, but nonetheless it was just one of the most pleasant and nice cities I've ever been to. Kind of have a crush on Minneapolis now.
As great as Minneapolis was, the main attraction that brought me was the Desiring God conference hosted by John Piper. Three days of messages and discussion panels, it's mainly aimed at church staff but obviously they welcome all sorts of theology geeks such as myself.
There were several very inspiring speakers there including Kevin DeYoung, N.D. Wilson, Randy Alcorn and of course John Piper himself. But the message I would like to take a minute to reflect on was given by Francis Chan.
Francis Chan is mainly known for his book, Crazy Love. Our church read it together a few years ago and although it's a good book, Chan wasn't the pastor I was the most excited about hearing speak. I love being surprised like that.
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Chan's topic was: "Think hard. Stay humble: A look at I Cor. 8:1-3". Solid reflection on how good theology isn't the most important thing to God-"knowledge is essential but it is not sufficient." John MacArthur. Or, to have it paraphrased by Chan: "some of you are brilliant but completely worthless". Are we using our knowledge to build each other up or puff ourselves up?
He then asked how hard we think about the lost. Do we pray for God to save the lost? Are we burdened for those who don't know Jesus? The prayers of a righteous man are effective-are we purging sin from our lives so that we may be righteous? So that we can intercede for the lost effectively? "This,'' Chan says,"is love".
He talked about how Paul was in anguish for the lost. It hurt him so much to know that people, people he knew, were without Christ. I know that I do not have this anguish. Would I say it was sad? Absolutely. Do I step outside my own selfishness to pray for the lost with conviction? Shamefully, no, I don't.
This is a rabbit trail, but I think it overlaps a bit. Kevin DeYoung spoke about the mission of the church, or rather 'redefining missional'. Awesome speaker. Definitely someone who isn't afraid to think critically. If you get a chance,read his stuff.
He spoke about the mission of the church and he said something I'd like to start wrapping up with:
"Don't just gravitate to the things the world will thank you for such as human trafficking, digging wells, going green, etc. There are enough Angelina Jolies of the world to take care of that. Our responsibility as a church, as Christians is something no one else will do: give them Jesus. There is something worse than disease, than death. There's hell."
Kevin DeYoung, 2 October 2010
And yes, I know that Ashraya Mission is fighting human trafficking. But I hope that we're more than just fighting for social justice. I hope that we're loving our neighbors in India. I hope that we're giving them Jesus. And I hope that we can become so burdened for the lost in India, or Africa, or Minneapolis or wherever that we are praying for them constantly. And loving them well.
P.S. Listen to Neil Young's "Harvest Moon" tonight with the windows open. Perfect song for a cool fall evening. You won't regret it.
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