Saturday, February 12, 2011

Eddie Izzard and Hindi

There is a British comedian named Eddie Izzard that does a routine about learning French and the impractical phrases he was taught, including 'the monkey is in the tree'. It's always been a favorite of mine, but I really identify with it now that I'm tackling Hindi.

In lesson one of my elementary Hindi workbook, these were some of the words they thought were necessary for communication: vomiting, barber, gardener, garland, maternal aunt. Barber: very difficult to work into conversation.

The following is the script for the excerpt on learning French. The video is hilarious with his facial expressions, but the language is not child appropriate, so I only posted the scripted version. Enjoy.

"At school, the first page I learnt in French was full of things that are difficult to get into conversation. 
"The mouse is under the table." La souris est en dessous de la table. 

Hard to see, but this is my microsoft paint interpretation of his routine...

Just slip that in when you're buying a ticket to Paris.      

"Le train à Paris, oui?
"C'est ici? C'est maintenant? Cinq minutes.

"La souris est en dessous de la table?" 
The other line was, "The cat is on the chair." Le chat est sur la chaise, slightly more easy to fit in.
And then, "The monkey is on the branch", le singe est sur la branche. Very difficult to get into a conversation. Not a lot of jungle in France. Monkeys thin on the ground. Thin in the air. Just generally pretty trim...The only way I could get that into a conversation was to go to France with a cat, a mouse, a  monkey, a table and a chair and wander around heavily wooded areas."
Eddie Izzard, Dress To Kill


P.S. Ryan Adams and the Cardinals "Jacksonville City Lights" is making my work day fly by. 


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