Friday, November 19, 2010

What We Learned When We Were Face To Face

Fun Ashraya Mission fact: Until Friday, November 12, a certain Travis Fruge' had never been seen in person by two certain Katherine(Kathryn) Elizabeths.  (Yes, we have the same name...sort of...but also, not at all.)  Katie Beth and I (Kati Hultman - or KtH) met briefly in India one (eventually) fateful day in June.  But until last Friday, we were just taking it on good faith that this Travis person really existed.  Good news:  He does. 
Some of the amazing nurses KtH mentions below

Since Nashville is technically the center of our operations, and basically equidistant from New Orleans, LA (T's current home) and Kalamazoo, MI (KtH's current home), the Ashraya Mission trio decided to meet for the weekend for some business mixed with fun.  What an incredible weekend!  Here are some things that we learned:

1) The Lipscomb University Honors Freshman Seminar class is made up of basically the world's most awesome 18 and 19 year old world-changers.  On Friday night, we met with these students who have done (and are doing) fund raising and awareness raising for Ashraya Mission and for the issue of human trafficking as a whole.  These guys are passionate, driven, brilliant people who caught our vision and they're running with it.  They blessed our socks off...I just know that we were staring a bunch of world-changers (and hopefully future Ashraya Mission interns) in the face Friday night.


2) God is raising up an incredible supporting community around our organization.  Saturday night, Katie Bethy Crocker "whipped up" (read: toiled over a crowded stove, a blaring blender, and hot oven) an amazing dinner for a crowd of people who have showed support in many ways to Ashraya Mission.  KB's Daddio, Will the videographer, our fave Freshman, some of the greatest nurses in history, friends with great hats and musical inclination - just a sampling of the dear ones God is bringing up around us...more world-changers, no doubt.  Praise Him.

Friends with awesome hats and musical inclination

Another amazing nurse with our special guest Samson, a 200 lb great dane
3) When visiting a friend who does not drink coffee, it is a true blessing to be within walking distance of a Starbucks.

4) We are broken people in need of redemption.  Here's an exercise that we often do at my church in Michigan: Check your pulse...(go ahead...check it.)  Do you have a pulse?  (Yes.)  Okay, then you have issues.  I have a pulse...I have issues.  It's as simple as that.  There is so much beauty in realizing and recognizing that we all have junk and that because of Jesus, we are all redeemable.  I am a broken, messed up person.  And I'm not alone in that.  And Jesus paid it all so that I can have abundant life.  What. Good. News.

5) We are definitely going to need a piano at the Ashraya Mission home in India.  Thanks to the baby grand in KB's living room, we all got turns playing and listening to some good-for-the-soul piano solo stylings.  We're gonna need more of that.

Everyone's favorite late night piano
6) Sometimes, something that tastes like it's going to go into a pie actually ends up making a KILLER lasagna (butternut squash lasagna = culinary magic)

7) Pictionary Telephone is probably the most fun game ever.

8) Travis doesn't sit down much.

9) Katie Beth is extremely productive - even on 3.5 hours of sleep.

10) KtH hates squash, pumpkin, and other orange foods unless KB has made them into delicious muffins or lasagnas.

11) We like each other.  It might seem strange after these months of weekly skype conferences and (seemingly) endless emailing and text messaging, but really until last weekend, we'd never met each other.  I think we all had inklings that we would like each other but having time to spend together in person sealed the deal.  (Well, it did for me anyway.)  God is smart.  I'm so grateful for this trio he designed.

12) It IS possible for man and beast to have "guy bonding time" - Travis and Hubbell proved that.  (KB's dog Hubbell is basically the best black lab/Clydesdale mix on the planet.  We all love him.)

Puppy shot of Hubbell-too cute to not include.

13) Holding hands in a circle is a nice way to bond, and should always be an item on the “to-do” list.

14) We can basically do business anywhere...via skype, text messages, and phone calls, of course.  But also in the car, in the kitchen, and in Katie Beth's bedroom (Don't judge us just because we signed our final 501c3 paperwork while sitting on a queen-sized bed together.  It's just how we roll.  At least until we have an office.)
T-Doodles signing our 501c3 on KB's bed

We leave for India in 19 days (20 for KtH).  We're working on firming up our connections in Delhi and Kolkata and still working out some details of our travel.  Please be in prayer for continued provision as our trip approaches.

Grace. Peace.

P.S. All photography courtesy of Christy C, Katie Beth and Travis Fruge
P.S.S. Show some love to Andrew Peterson for this blog. "Counting Stars" is a great album.



Thursday, November 18, 2010

Harvard Sailing Team

Harvard Sailing Team

This has nothing to do with India or saving the world, I just think this is funny.


P.S. Loving The Temper Trap today.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Toys, toys, toys...

"Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go." Mother Teresa

It's kind of hard to see from the picture, but this large pile of bags that is dominating my living room are all toys, clothes and children's vitamins for the children at Asha Mission. We'll be staying at Asha Mission's homes both in Delhi and in Calcutta and are so excited to be blessing the children during the Christmas holidays this year.



P.S. Sara Watkins is just marvelous to listen to this rainy day.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


"a wind has blown the rain away and blown
the sky away and all the leaves away,
and the trees stand. I think i too have known
autumn too long.''

                                             e.e. cummings

Some dear friends and I ventured to Knoxville this weekend for a concert/camping extravaganza. In between seeing Sufjan Stevens on Friday night and Mumford & Sons on Monday night, two of my favorite girls and I embarked into the Smoky Mountains for an overnight camping excursion. Everyone from fellow concert goers to Ranger Rick cautioned us that it would be cold and advised us to cancel our trip; that camping in the cold would be a miserable experience. Fortunately we were hard headed enough to not listen to them and strapped on our packs for the 7 mile hike.

It was the first snow we've seen all year and the further up we went, the more snow we found. Such a beautiful contrast between white snow and still green leaves on the trees. Over and over again we made the comparison to entering Narnia in all of its magical glory.

And yes, it was cold. But it was unanimously voted that hiking in the snow and camping in the bitter cold was one of the best weekends of our lives. While most people would probably be reminded of the writings in Thoreau's Walden in such an environment, I was continually reminiscing a talk I heard N.D. Wilson give once on God's abundant sovereignty as evidenced by nature.

Wilson made the point that the book of Genesis says that everything came from 'ex nihilo'-'from nothing'. There was nothing and then God spoke it into existence and that He was continuing to speak things into existence every day. He speaks the snow into existence, the trees, the clothing on our backs, etc. With such evidence of His faithfulness and attention to detail all around us, why don't we trust Him more with the concerns of our lives?

A few other notable points from N.D. Wilson's talk:

-God's personality is big.  He's the maker of both the cute bunnies and the red tail hawks that eat them. He made both rainbows and storms. We live in a magical world. We see God's huge personality in His creation.

-God's personality is not comfortable. He's both majestic and meek. To quote C.S. Lewis: "He's not a tame lion, but He's good.''

-Both of the above points means God is the authority. Learn to live in His authority. It's the best place to live.

-Don't limit your faith in realism. Moses (through God's power) turned a staff into a snake and a river (the Nile) into blood. Accept miracles. Accept a power that is uninhibited by our earth's rules.

I hope you will be encouraged by these few words to see God's creation as an attribution to His immense sovereignty.




Enjoy a little Ray LaMontagne on this chilly evening.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ruth: The Best Is Yet to Come

Once again, John Piper delivers:

Ruth: The Best Is Yet to Come: "Ruth: The Best Is Yet to Come on Desiring God"



P.S. Bob Dylan's "Buckets of Rain" is a nice compliment to the moody weather of today in Nashville.
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