Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Before I Die...

"Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans." 
-John Lennon

Last night I was perusing through one of my favorite websites, Good.Is and ran across this article about an artist named Candy Chang who converted an abandoned warehouse in New Orleans into a public bucket list. The side of the building has a chalkboard surface where people are encouraged to fill in the blank "before I die I want to...."write a book, travel, get married, save the world, etc. Such a neat use of space. 

I've never really made a 'bucket list' before. Honestly I had never heard the term until the movie "The Bucket List" was released a few years ago. Never saw, and no regrets. Seeing "The Bucket List" will not be on my 'bucket list'-pun intended. Apparently the concept of making a to-do list before you die is a pretty popular idea-there's even a website dedicated to people sharing their wish lists on

Obviously there is an immense opportunity to delve into the idea of something like a bucket list and I'm sure at some point I will but for now I will leave you with the words of  Brian Friel, one of the greatest playwrights from Ireland known most famously for Dancing at Lughnasa, who was notorious for his privacy. This was one of his rare answers in an interview and I think it's appropriate-just the facts of his life and goals that aren't overly heroic:

''I am married, have five children, live in the country, smoke too much, fish a bit, read a lot, worry a lot, get involved in sporadic causes and invariably regret the involvement, and hope that between now and my death I will have acquired a religion, a philosophy, a sense of life that will make the end less frightening than it appears to me at this moment."



P.S. Listening to Ryan Adams' "Gold" as summer creeps into Tennessee

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